Week of 6-9-2020 Blue Log: The Limitless Blue (Extreme) [Mightier Than The Expanse Reclear]

The Blue Log has updated this week with the Prime Weekly Target being The Limitless Blue (Extreme), which presents a chance for Blue Mages to obtain the “Mightier Than The Expanse” achievement by silencing the echo.

First Attempt

For being one of the Heavensward Trials that also has an achievement behind it, this happens to also be one of the easier trials due to how simplistic the conditions for victory are. Essentially, you need to break open the carapace exposing Bismarck’s core and then destroy it, making it essentially a prolonged DPS check. And if there’s one thing Blue Mages excel at, it’s DPS checks.

But until then, your main focus will be the Vundu adds that are called in as you need to kill them quickly so the Dragonkillers are primed and the Magitek Field Generator can be turned on, allowing us to reel in the massive whale. Then you can destroy the carapace while on Bismarck’s back, but you’ll gain a stack of a debuff called Turbulence that will kill you if it reaches too high from standing on its back too long. Not that you’ll run into that problem.

Once you’re knocked back, two more adds will spawn: Ul’sanuwa and So’sanuwa. These two must be separated or they’ll become near impossible to kill, and to make matters worse they’ll give the players a status condition that will reflect damage done to them onto the players if they select the wrong one. Two players will need Mighty Guard and Diamondback in order to handle their attacks, so these tanks will draw enmity to pull them away and turtle up while their allies burn them down.

Once they’ve dealt with those two, Bismarck will call forth more trash mobs to deal with before it seizes control of the clouds. Depending on what weather is present, it’ll change how you need to position yourself and interact with the Vapor Bubbles. In our case, it took control of the winds and so we had to kill the bubbles so we didn’t get hit by an AoE as we grouped up in the center to avoid getting knocked over the edge. After that, we had to run back into the center immediately to avoid a donut AoE.

At this point the Dragonkillers will be ready once more, so reel in Bismarck and then proceed to kill the core with ease.

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